Preferred reading: The audience takes the preferred meaning of the media text intended by the director. They accept the message and values of the text without questioning it, which is usually associated with pleasure.
For example, if a preferred reading watches the film Pulp Fiction, they might think it is very excited and the characters are extremely entertaining and pleasurable.
Negotiated reading: These readers understand the meaning behind the text, but continue to retain their own views and believes. They are very active in the position of deciding whether they like the text or not.
For example, if a negotiated reading watches the film Pulp Fiction, they will understand the concept and might enjoy watching Vincent and Jules as criminals, however they might maintain their belief as the film is sending out the wrong message to the society.
Opposing reading: They reject the intended purpose of the media text, as the response to displeasure. They belief that they are different interpretations to the media text. Libertarian are more of the critics to a media text.
For example, if the viewer was watching the film Pulp Fiction, they would find everything in the film as very childish and dis-pleasuring.
After looking at the three main spectator, we watched some music videos and applied the spectatorship to them.
The first example we watched is Call On Me- Eric Prydz
Passive: A passive viewer would find the music video good because it has a lot of beautiful women acting sexually while exercising. There would look at the video only at face value, how the director intended for it to be consume.
Negotiation: A negotiating viewer would understanding the purpose of the video, which could be trying to encourage it's audience to join the gym or take exercising. They might also take the view of "it is just a music video, so I am allowed to watch it and enjoy myself". However, they might hold the view that the sexualisation of the video was unnecessary and inappropriate.
Libertarian: An opposing viewer would hold a strong view against the video. They would say that the video is unnecessary and inappropriate because there was no point of acting like that as it is unrealistic and sexist.
Passive: A passive viewer would see this video at face value and interpret Beyonce character as beautiful, pure and probably perfect as she is about to be marry. Teenage girls might envy her, and would want to be similar to Beyonce.
Negotiation: A negotiating viewer would question the perfection of Beyonce's character to a certain extend, as they would say women wouldn't walk around in their linger before their wedding for everyone to see; it's a bit to perfect for reality. however, they might like the fact that message from the video is empowering and she looks beautiful in her wedding dress.
Libertarian: An opposing viewer would say that the video looks to perfect to be real and it tries to objectify women. They would also say that the characters in the video have been airbrush and the lighting is unnatural.
We used Marilyn Mansoon - Tourniguet as a third example of the spectatorship. This video is obviously very controversial and has been band in several countries around the world because of it's unambiguous content..
Marilyn Manson- Tourniquet
Passive: A passive viewer would take the intended interpretation and say that it's about being alternative and celebrating difference. the video expresses emotion and some teenagers might find it cool because it challenges the mainstream music style.
Negotiating: A negotiating viewer is that he should be allowed to be comfortable with his individuality. They might appreciate some camera work and video content, but other viewers might find the content such as bug eating extremely uncomfortable.
Libertarian: An opposing viewer would say that it is good the video was banned because it causes problems in the society.
We also looked at how the spectators would respond to characters within a media text. We looked at three main responses; recognition, alignment and allegiance.
Recognition: This is when we translate the character into a credible and convincing person. The viewer bring their own knowledge and understanding to the media text. For example; Beyonce's video is meant to give the audience the idea of perfect ending and weddings.
Alignment: This is when we feel and relate to part of a story through the characters. For example, we feel a connection to Beyonce as w woman who has recovered from heart-broke and is getting marry.
Allegiance: This is when the film is made so that the audience should have loyalty to the characters, consciously or not. For example, the audience are made to feel sorry for Beyonce through out the video.
Spectator in our video:
Hypothetically speaking, before making our video, we started thinking of ways that our music video would be consume by the three spectators, Passive, Negotiating and Libertarian.
Passive: A passive viewer would take our video at face value. The typical audience for the metal-core genre is likely to be both male and female teenagers who understand and are involved with the metal- core lifestyle. They would like the relationship between the two characters and possibly enjoy the idea that she gets attention from two of the members from the band. The passive viewers might appreciate the metal- core conventions such as the "live performance".
Negotiating: A negotiating viewer would both appreciate and criticize our video. They might find the relationship between the band members "sweet", can also appreciate the life performance. However, the negotiating viewers would criticize our video by stating that the teenagers in our video are represented in an unrealistic way.
Libertarian: An opposing viewer might hold a strong view against our video because they would state that it is unrealistic. They would criticise the narrative for it childish nature and condemn the use of "fuck", which would be printed on Ian's arm in the video.
Response in our video:
I think our video is definitely appropriate to the concept of different responses within the music industry.
Recognition: I think the teenage audience would be able to relate to the band members as the are teenagers as well. The relationship between the characters is also believable as most teenagers go through similar situation.
Alignment: The audience can feel and relate to band members and the metal-core lifestyle through Robynne (the female character in the video). They understand the burnt lyrics, Ian carving the word "fuck" on his arm would be presented through Robynne who is given prevalence regarding editing.
Allegiance: The audience is given loyalty to Ian's character who is going through a break up with Robynne. Despite not knowing the cause of their breakup (which could possibly Ian's), the audience might still sympathize with him and remain totally loyal to him through out the video.